Work Health and Safety

Work Health and Safety

Cornerstone HR is committed to ensuring that both our staff and our candidates are provided with safe workplaces. To do this we work with you, our host employers, to identify, evaluate and control risks which have the potential to cause injury or illness.

At a minimum, we abide by safety legislation for each state, and we actively encourage and promote best practice for all systems of work.

To ensure that all employees, visitors and contractors are safe from injury and risk to their health while they are at work, Cornerstone HR:

  • Provide and maintain a work environment that is safe and without risk to health, including safe equipment and work practices.
  • Have implemented policies, procedures and training that promote a safe working environment.
  • Provide information, training and supervision to enable employees and candidates to work safely and without risk to their health.
  • Encourage and promote commitment from all employees and management in the principles of workplace health and safety.
  • Conduct site safety audits on all of our client sites prior to placement of labour and at regular intervals.
  • Consult with employees (and other parties as relevant) to improve our safety processes and procedures.
  • Encourage timely incident reporting and work with our clients to investigate these reports and to implement corrective actions.
  • Support and assist employees in effective injury management and return to work.
  • Make every effort to place the right candidate into the right role.

For clients

In the labour hire industry, we cannot do all of this without input and assistance from our clients; we ask that you:

  • Make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain a safe workplace.
  • Actively participate in the site audits.
  • Induct our candidates to your organisation and to your site and provide us with signed copies of their induction.
  • Provide our candidates with required personal protective equipment (PPE) if this has been agreed to and ensure that our candidates are wearing or using that PPE correctly.
  • Provide adequate training and supervision to our candidates and provide us with details of any training provided.
  • Notify us prior to changing the role of any of our candidates and detail any relevant changes (e.g. training, licencing, hours of work, PPE requirements etc.).
  • Advise us of any relevant personnel changes.
  • Inform us immediately of any incidents involving one of our candidates.
  • Participate in the incident investigation and to provide us with copies of any relevant documentation regarding our candidate and reported incidents – e.g. investigation report, corrective actions, interventions by the state regulator.
  • Advise us immediately of any issues or concerns regarding our candidate or the placement, or of any other thing that we may need to be aware of.

For candidates

As employees, you also have a role to play when it comes to safety. We ask that you:

  • Commit to taking care of your own safety at work and take reasonable safety for those around you.
  • Do not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the workplace in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
  • Cooperate with actions taken by Cornerstone HR to comply with our obligations.
  • Ensure that you have read Cornerstone’s policies and procedures and comply with them.
  • Advise Cornerstone HR if you are unfit to work

Contact Cornerstone HR immediately if:

  1. You have not been inducted on to the site you are working at or into the role;
  2. You have not been adequately trained for the work you are doing;
  3. You have any safety concerns regarding your placement;
  4. You are being asked to work in a different role or you have been asked to do something that you reasonably believe is unsafe;
  5. You have an incident at work (i.e. near miss, hazard or injury);
  6. You have any other concerns regarding your work arrangements.

It is our goal to ensure that all of our employees return home at the end of the day, safe and free from injury.